Thursday, January 14, 2016

Grades 6-8 Technology: Introducing...The 2016 Presidential Candidates--Create an Infomercial or Brochure

Introducing...The 2016 Presidential Candidates--Create an Infomercial or Brochure

Learn about the election:  Click here to read Newsela articles about the candidates and the issues
Part I:  Choose one of the candidates running in the NH Primary Election on Tuesday, February 9, 2016.  Research the candidate and identify his/her position on the following three issues:  economy, immigration and health care.  Be sure to check at least two sources and that they are credible.

How do you know a site is credible?  What is it’s web address?  Who is the author?  Does there seem to be a bias (is the reporting one sided?).

Cite your sources.   Be sure to copy and paste the web address of the sites you use. 

DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM WEB SITES!  Put your research in your own words or use direct quotes!

Part II:  Create an infomercial or brochure.  For your infomercial:Watch a couple political campaigns on YouTube. Choose one of the topics to create a infomercial about.  Use images, music and words to get your candidate’s message across.  We should know what his/her position is on the issue and what they plan to do to improve the area of concern.  Be sure to be accurate and do not sensationalize!  An iMovie would work well for this project.  If you have other tech ideas check with Ms. Casassa first. For your brochure:  use a brochure template on Microsoft word.  Include images/visuals, bold captions and headlines and text that shows their platform on one of the issues.  The layout and appearance are VERY important.  Proofread your work!

Sites to start with:
On The Issues
NY TImes:  Who is Running for President?
The Atlantic:  The US Presidential Race-A Cheat Sheet
CNN 2016 Election -this site has campaign videos
Presidential Candidates 2016
Fox News 2016 Candidate Watch
Fact not sure you believe what th candidates are saying?  Go to Fact Check and find out!
I Side With

 Copy of Graphic Organizer:

Name of candidate






Political Primary Infomercial/Brochure

Research- handed in graphic organizer, clearly explained platform on each issue, cited sources

Demonstrated proficiency with technology- used either iMovie or Microsoft word, can save and insert images, can use features available

Final product clearly presents candidate’s views on one issue- information is accurate, explained thoroughly

Presentation-you clearly present your candidate and issue.  Able to answer questions on both from class.

Conventions- error free—no spelling, grammatical or function error!
