Thursday, September 28, 2017

Debate-"Should Fidget Spinners Be Allowed at School?"

In October's issue of Scope Magazine, the topic of Fidget Spinners is explored and debated.  Read the article and decide which side you are are.  Complete the Argument Writing Graphic Organizer to prepare for a debate.  Use the resources below to strengthen you argument.
Click to go to Scope Magazine
Student Login-68Barnardla

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Historical Context-The Explosion of the Hindenberg

When you read, having an understanding of the historical context, the historical events that are referred to in a story,  helps to more fully understand what you read.
1937 NY Times Newspaper Article  reporting on the crash.
Learn more about the Hindenburg and see images of the famous dirigible
Below you will watch a couple video clips of the explosion of the Hindenburg.
Theories about why The Hindenburg burned:

Watch Herb Morrison report live on the crash of the Hindenburg:

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Elements of Short Story

We are beginning to read short stories.  Please review the elements of short stories below.  You should be able to identify and discuss all the terms and literary elements listed.

Click here to play the quizlet games to review

Click here to see the terms and definitions 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Scope Magazine- "They Failed (and so can you)"

You read the Scope article "They Failed (and so can you)" last night.  Today you are going to discuss the article and learn more about some famous people who failed many times before they finally succeeded.
Click here to watch the presentation

Click here to view the Constructed Response worksheet
Click here for some tips on how to write a Constructed Response!

Click here to go to Scope magazine to reread (or listen to) the article- Student access code is 68barnardla

We've discussed the article, you've watch the presentation and thought more about the topic. Now it's your turn to defend your claim.  Using your graphic organizer, write a final response to answer the question "Why Should We Be Willing to Fail." This is your first writing assignment of the year.  Be sure to show what you know about good writing and what you remember from last year.  Write and turn in your response in on Google Classroom.

Tech Integration 7/8: How Does Social Media Affect Your Mood?

Do you spend much time using social media?  Ever wonder if it effects your mood?  Watch this short video and see what you think?

Does Social Media Affect Your Mood?

Now, click here to complete the discussion questions.  

Monday, September 4, 2017