Monday, May 26, 2014

Learning about William Shakespeare

On Wednesday, grades 5-8 will be learning about William Shakespeare.  We will watch a video that gives an overview of his life, learn about the rich language we have inherited from Shakespeare and read some famous scenes from a few plays.  I hope you all enjoy an afternoon with the Bard!

Learn About William Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre

Do you use any of these common phrases and sayings from Shakespeare?

Ready to see what you know about Shakespeare. Try taking this quiz. Stumped? Go on line and find the answers! Click here to take the quiz

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Anne Frank: What happens after the Secret Annex?

We finished the play version of The Diary of Anne Frank on Monday.  Today, we will learn what happened after they were discovered in the Secret Annex.

Anne changed the names of the occupants in the Annex.  See the real names below:

View the video clips below to learn what happened after their fateful arrest.

Video 1- Discovered and Arrested
Video 2- The Fate of the People in Hiding
Video 3-Two Helpers Arrested Too
Video 4- Otto Frank tells his Story

Click here to read Meip Geis Interview 
Watch Meip's Interview below:

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Independent Reading Book Project

For your next Book Project, you are going to create a "fake" social media site for a character in your book.  Choose an important character--probably the antagonist--and create either a Fakebook page, a message exchange between that character and another in the book, or a fake twitter account for the character.  Remember to speak like the character would speak.  For this assignment it is appropriate to use abbreviations that you would see on these sites/mediums.  The links to the three projects are below.  Have fun, be authentic, and show me your best work!

 Click here to go to the Fakebook generator.  be sure to add a password so you can go back and edit your work.

Click here to go to the SMS generator and create a message exchange between the character and a friend (or for)

Click here to go to twister--the fake twitter generator--to create tweets from your character.