Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Anne Frank Reflection Activity

After you finish visiting the Secret Annex, choose one of the activities below to reflect on your learning and understanding of Anne and her experience.

1.  Create your own leaf for the Anne Frank Tree, an interactive monument on which young people from around the world share their thoughts, stories, and artwork on courage, freedom, goodness, and other themes related to The Diary of Anne Frank.  Click here to visit the Anne Frank Tree.

2. On The Secret Annex web site there is a description of what happened to each character after the secret annex was raided by the Nazis. Select one character featured in the film and use the Internet to find biographical data, photographs, and (if available) video of or writings by this person. Although Anne used pseudonyms in her diary, biographical information can be found on each resident of the annex. Compile the completed biographies into a class set and share your work with other classes or family members.

3.  Using the Internet, learn about and report on a present-day example of genocide or antisemitism. What are the roots of this situation? What steps are citizens and organizations taking to raise awareness and bring about change? In what concrete ways can you make a difference on this issue?