Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Day in the Life of Your Shoe

Last night for homework your brainstormed what your shoe would be like if it was a person.  You also create four funny scenes about your shoe.

1.  Today you are going to share some of your stories with your 5:00 partner.
2.  Next, you are going to complete a brainstorming activity using the questions on the site below.  Click here to complete the brainstorming activity.  When you get to the page you will need to scroll down to the Students' Step-by-Step Writer's Instructions.  Complete this writing activity in the Response Section of your R/W Notebook. 

Assignment:  Most of us wear shoes most days, but have you ever thought about what it would be like to be your shoes for a day? Your shoes would have a whole different perspective on your day.   As you write, really try to write as if you were your shoes...make the words sound like your shoes. Ready?