Monday, August 29, 2011

Welcome to our Language Arts blog

Welcome back to school!  I hope you all had a wonderful summer break and are ready to begin reading and writing again.  Take some time today to think about your hopes and dreams for the year.  What are some things you hope will happen this year for you in school?  At home?  I hope to read at least five Isinglass Books and present Book Talks on them to the 7th and 8th grade.  I also hope to learn more ways to use the ipad in the classroom and share them with you.  I hope each one of you creates a learning blog.  On a personal note, I hope to train my new puppy, Lily, so she will not bite me and will walk calmly on her leash.  I also hope to help my son as he decides on colleges and completes his application.  I hope that my daughter has a wonderful year in 8th grade.  I hope it is a fulfilling and exciting year of learning for all of us.

In your Reader's/Writer's Notebook, title your first entry "MY HOPES AND DREAMS FOR 2011-2012" and write about some of your hopes and dreams for this upcoming year.