Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Reading Beowulf

Final Project on Holocaust Unit- Raising Awareness of Modern Day Genocide

After the Holocaust, the United Nations created laws to prevent such an atrocity from ever happening again.  The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was held in 1948 and declared that genocide was a crime under international law and would be condemned by the civilized world.  Since that time, however, there have been other acts of genocide.  For your final project, you will familiarize yourself with other modern day acts of genocide.  

Assignment:  You will create a brief video educating people about the dangers of genocide, informing them about modern day examples of genocide and calling them to action.  

Possible Genocide to research:
Armenian Genocide
Rwanda Genocide
Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina 
The Killing Fields: The Cambodian Genocide

Consider these questions:
What can we do to prevent further acts of hatred and violence towards a race of people?  Why do these acts continue to happen despite our knowledge and education?  
How can you make a difference?  

Use the resources below to learn about the modern day examples of genocide.

Confront Genocide

Survivors Stories from genocide in Darfur, Bosnia and Rwanda 

The Rwanda Genocide

PBS Resources on Genocide 

Amnesty International 

Facing History, Facing Ourselves:  Be the Change -Upstanders for Human Rights

Prevent Genocide International

View the you tube videos for an example of what you can do with our final project. 

Watch this You tube video that raises awareness and tries to get people to stop genocide.

A more general You Tube video about the Holocaust and acts of genocide

View former 8th graders' final projects: