Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Happy Poem in Your Pocket Day!

Happy Poem in Your Pocket Day! Celebrate by selecting a poem, carrying it with you, and sharing it with others throughout the day at schools, bookstores, libraries, parks, and workplaces.

Put Something In
Draw a crazy picture,
Write a nutty poem,
Sing a mumble-grumble song,
Whistle through your comb.
Do a loony-goony dance
'Cross the kitchen floor,
Put something silly in the world
That ain't been there before.

-Shel Silverstein
  from A Light in the Attic
 Poem in Your Pocket Day was originally initiated in 2002 by the Office of the Mayor, in partnership with the New York City Departments of Cultural Affairs and Education, as part of the city’s National Poetry Month celebration. In 2008, the Academy of American Poets took the initiative to all fifty United States, encouraging individuals around the country to join in and channel their inner bard. In 2016, the League of Canadian Poets extended Poem in Your Pocket Day to Canada.
Poem in Your Pocket Day 2017 will be held on April 27.

Click here to read three pocket poems
Click here to get your Poetry in your Pocket template 
Another template for your pocket 
Or click here to turn your poem into a scroll 
Fold Your Poem into a cute package
Click here for directions on How to Make a Folded Swan

(text copied from

Introduction to Informational Writing

Where do you see informational writing? Number of websites created every day…in the last minute 571 websites were created. During our class over 25,000 websites have been created.  By the end of the month, you may have created your own website.